Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dealing with a Family Crisis

Every family has troubles and experiences that shake the very foundation of the family. These instances come in the form of crisis and sometimes they are referred to as family troubles. These events may include one person or multiple people in the family but overall they affect the whole family. These troubles cause a lot of stress and because we are human we react to stress in a variety of ways namely we blame others or we feel a personal responsibility for the events that have occurred leading us to feel a sense of personal shame. A big factor, whether it be the cause of the drama, or the results of drama from a family crisis 6

What is Stress? 

Stress can either be good or bad. Stress is an inner or exterior influence that encourages a person to act. Stress, acting as a good influence, encourages you to get a job done or to act in a timely manner and then once the task is done the stress is relieved. However, stress acting as a bad influence, is those same feelings to act but it doesn’t go away after the task is accomplished. 

When stress is added to a person it makes them act different and in a family situation that can be hard on everyone when mom or dad starts acting differently and even when the children experience stress and start acting out. Anything can cause a person to stress and different things can cause to experience different levels of stress. Some common stresses for a married couple and a family are the financial stability, unemployment, loss of a loved one, infidelity, divorce, and even infertility. Each of these events can cause serious contention and added anxiety to a family.

When the family experiences stress, its not just the parents that are affected even young children are capable of feeling the expressions and emotions of their parents fears and concerns. Just because you my think that your children are unaffected by your decisions in your "personal life" this is not the case. They are even in some cases even more affected and experience life long trauma because of the events that happen.

How to get over Stress? 

Parents want to take care of their children and provide the best for them and in times of calm waters it's very easy to provide the best but when the storm comes everything gets thrown overboard and you soon have to either let everything fall apart in the storm of life and end up with nothing or you can bunker down and let others in and because of this hardship you end up with more than you could have ever bargained for.

First there is the event that causes the stress, registering and acknowledging what is causing the pain is the starting point. Then you must acknowledge that you are not alone in the situation. You are entitled to help and there are resources available to you and your family. The biggest resource available to you is your family, your immediate and extended family are resources of encouragement and strength. There is also the community around you, friends and neighbors, your faith, and education. These resources are able to influence your cognition or perception of your family and the situation.

You can overcome the challenges you face. You can do hard things and when you allow people to help, you are not alone in your crisis. You can deal with the stress and you can keep your family and after the crisis they will be better. 

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