Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Joys of Dating!

It's a tale as old as time, a boy meets girl and girl and sparks fly as they enter the in like stage of friendship this soon comes to a point were they date and fall more in love but how does this psychology work. As it turns out there are many phases that go into dating and also there are many marriage and family therapists who seek to offer their advice on simple matters like how healthy is the relationship and how long you should date before getting married. It's all so exciting that it is easy to get caught up in the emotions and excitement of love.

The first stage that begins dating is attraction!

There are many things that draw one to another, physical attraction is a huge one we all have attributes that attract us to a person. You are also more likely to be attracted to someone who is similar in appearance, attitudes, and interests. There is a reason that you will often see couples that look alike because they are familiar. It is also common for men to marry women who are similar to their mothers and women will marry men who are similar to their fathers. There is a reason people use the term familiar when describing a person they date.

A Strong Network is Key!

It's often said that when you date someone you also date their friends. Having common friends is incredibly helpful when it comes to dating, it may seem awkward for your non-dating friends to be around but they also have good insight and are able to see things about your relationship that you can't see through rose colored glasses.

Three T's to a strong relationship

In the relationship itself it takes three key elements to make it successful. Time, Togetherness, and Talk.

Togetherness entails actual time together preferably on dates. It has become very popular for couples to get together and hang out. Hanging out leads to endless time spent together and often with distracting media. A date on the other hand is a set amount of time together with planned activities and is often paid for by the man. These experiences are fun and don't have to be expensive or boring but often are fun and allow people to get to know each other in close and familiar ways.

Talk includes getting to know each other. Building a relationship through shared thoughts and feelings. Connection is crucial if a relationship will succeed and if you don't talk with your boyfriend or girlfriend what even is the relationship.

Time is sometimes a frustrating and also elusive item. If you truly like a person you are willing to spend time together in ways that are dates but also intimate. Time also includes the duration of the relationship. Often people will build relationships for the fun and excitement of having someone however there is also the duration of the relationship. It is recommended that you spend at least three months before getting married. In today's world it's shocking that anyone would get married that fast. However, three months is one season generally and it allows you to see how a person can change and develop. Better than three months is dating through a year or two and growing together as a couple before getting married.

Dating is exciting, annoying, and sometimes painful but all of these experiences bring a person to finding their life long companion. If you are struggling like I am with dating than don't give up and know you are not alone and there is a way to find love and happiness in life.

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