Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Building a Perfect Family

As a young adult I have many dreams and desires for my future. I know that my dreams are not unusual. I want to be successful with my career and I want to travel and have adventures and someday I hope to be able to have a family of my own. My family, has the potential to be so many things and just like every dream I wish it would be perfect. But unfortunately not everything will go as you wish or as you hope it will be. There will be things that happen that you can't prepare for but can be expected to happen. So what is the best way to prepare for a "perfect family" and is it even possible to achieve those desires? I hope though my views may be religious in nature that there can be found some truth and encouragement in my words.

The Practical Mindset 

When you imagine your family, you often think of first the person you will marry and what they will be like. What their background will be like and how they may look and every other detail down to what their favorite color is so that the wedding may be perfect. Next step in the planning for family process is the children and how you will raise them and how many you will have. The most terrifying part after saying "I do," is the children and how things will be for them in their lives. With all of these challenges and fears it is common for individuals and families to seek professional counseling in the form of therapists, councilors, relatives, and even religious leaders for council and advise on how to raise up a good strong family.

In the religious mindset of things, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has a document that was created in 1999 that describes what the family can be like and how God imagines the family being. If you would like to read the full document here is the link.

Rather than going through all of the document some of the highlights that encourage having an ideal family and working to become a good strong family are found in this document and have even been backed up by sociologists as well!

Families function best when, "husbands and wives have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. . . Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations." This statement makes perfect sense and allies with most ideals held by most people. Children perform best when raised with both parents in the home. Statistically, daughters lead less permiscous lives when the father is present in the home and likewise sons perform better over all and lead more upstanding lives when both parents are consistently in the home. No one deserves to live in a broken family. Though it is possible, and there is a great need to respect single parents, divorced parents, and even adoption and foster families, nothing beats being raised by loving compassionate parents. 

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